The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee

By SPARC - Richmond, VA (other events)

6 Dates Through Aug 01, 2021

Synopsis: An eclectic group of six mid-pubescents vie for the spelling championship of a lifetime. While candidly disclosing hilarious and touching stories from their home lives, the tweens spell their way through a series of (potentially made-up) words, hoping never to hear the soul-crushing, pout-inducing, life un-affirming “ding” of the bell that signals a spelling mistake. Six spellers enter; one speller leaves! At least the losers get a juice box.

Special thanks to Troutman Pepper for their generous support of this production.

Spelling Bee is double cast. Please make sure you are choosing your intended cast performance before purchasing as there are no refunds. Cast performance assignments are as follows:

July 29 at 8pm - Dogwood Cast

July 30 at 8pm - Redwood Cast

July 31 at 5pm - Dogwood Cast

July 31 at 8pm - Redwood Cast

Aug 1 at 5pm - Redwood Cast

Aug 1 at 8pm - Dogwood Cast


Please note that we ask that anyone who feels sick or has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days stay home and stay safe.  As a precaution, all attendees will be required to wear masks on the SPARC campus at all times.This production is outdoors in the Bill Talley Ford Outdoor Classroom and seating is first come, first served.

Inclement Weather: If there is rain at the start of a performance, we will hold to see if it passes. If rain starts during a show, we will assess the nature and determine whether to keep going, hold, or cancel. We will be going by "pool rules," so if there is thunder we will make an effort to get everyone outside of the outdoor classroom and into a safe holding space. In the event that we have to cancel a performance, we will move everyone's tickets to one of the following rain dates:

Redwood Cast Rain Date: July 31 at 2pm

Dogwood Cast Rain Date: Aug 1 at 2pm


The recording of this performance is strictly prohibited. All audience members must be masked throughout the show. Seating is first come, first served.

Mailing Address

2106 North Hamilton Street